exc Help “Reimbursed”

Expensify has the facility to Reimburse expense in the application. Expensify Reports that have been reimbursed in this way have a Status of ‘Reimbursed’.

However, you cannot ‘Reimburse’ an Expensify Report if none of the Expenses in it are ‘Reimbursable’ (For example, if they are all Corporate Card expenses).

This creates a problem, because we want to download all ‘Reimbursed’ Expensify Reports PLUS all ‘Approved’ Expensify Reports that have NO REIMBURSABLE Expenses. Unfortunately the Expensify API does not allow this so if you ARE reimbursing in Expensify:

  • Don’t setup Downloads as a schedule
  • Only Download when you have Reimbursed all ‘Approved’ Expensify Reports that need reimbursing.

If you DO download an ‘Approved’ Expensify Report by mistake, the Connector will NOT let you process the Expensively Report. What you can do is reimburse it in Expensify and then re-download the Expensify report.

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