exc Help: Remove Payable with Credit Card Disbursment

Sometimes you may want to remove an expense Payable to re-run the process. If the Expensify Report only contains reimbursable (out-of-pocket) expenses, its easy – just [Unpost] the Payable and then [Delete] it.

However, if the Expensify Report contains Corporate Card expenses, in addition to the Payable, we create a Cash Disbursement and Apply it to the Payable. So the process is a bit more complicated:

  • Delete the ‘Applied Cash Disbursement’
  • Unpost and Delete the Cash Disbursement
  • Unpost and Delete the Payable

This is how I suggest you do it:

  • Go to the Payable and if ‘Paid Amount’ is not zero, you need to remove the Cash Disbursement:
  • Go to the ‘Applies To’ Tab:


  • Take a note of the ‘Cash Disbursement’ number (or right-mouse-click on the link to open it in another tab)
  • Click on the record drop-down-menu and select [Delete] to remove the Applies To link:


  • Now you can [Unpost] and [Delete] the Payable:


  • And then find the Cash Disbursement and [Unpost] and [Delete] that as well:


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